Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 1

Look like its a good kickstart today, i had a cup of black coffee this morning. Then a plate of Green salad for lunch before i went to swim for an hour. And the Dinner for today was 4 pieces of whole meal bread, small portion of red beans, tomatoes and cucumber. Gonna keep it on and on and on going! 58Days to go!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Introduction

Hi everyone, My name is Wong Jiunn Yi. Im currently a student in University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia. I started to get involve in weight training by my brother's influence when i was 15, though after some times i didn't get in shape that i really want.

 Day by day, i gained weight and got out of shape badly after i stop working out due to the busy schedule. One day when i looked at the mirror of myself i felt depressed and thinking to have a serious transformation in my life regarding of my health, and how i look. And i name this "Project 59 I"

The Objective of this project is to lose 5% Body fat and lose down 10Kgs to return in normal BMI and body fat ratio. The long term goal is to get in shape like an instructor or artist. This project will go on for 59Days starting from 10 April. I'll post my weigh, meals taken, and exercises that i did for the day for 59Days, which mean until 8 June, 2012.

This is me in April 10, 2012.